a. Only registered passenger cars, vans and small trucks displaying resident permit are allowed to park on Association property. Owners who violate this rule will have their vehicles towed at the owners’ expense.
i. All permits will expire at the end of each calendar year and Resident Permits will be reissued new ones at the beginning of January of each calendar year. Only a Resident Unit Owner that is current on his/her assessment will receive new permits.
- Each resident unit owners will receive 2 Resident Parking permits at no cost (additional Resident permits may be purchase at a cost to be determined by the board).
- Each resident unit owners will receive 2 Resident Guest permits.
- Each resident unit owners will receive 20 Temporary Permits. (Temporary Permits are only valid for the day written on the permit by the RUO)1. Each Resident Unit Owner may purchase additional Temporary Permits at a cost to be determined by the board. Only a Resident Unit Owner that is current on his/her assessment will be able to purchase permits.
b. Parking is to be confined to streets and garages. No commercial vehicles such as trucks, tractors, semi-trailers and buses of any kind are to be parked overnight or as a matter of convenience during the day. In addition, mobile homes, house trailers, campers, boats and junk or inoperable vehicles are not allowed. Owners who violate this rule will have their vehicles towed at the owners’ expense.
c. All vehicles will parallel park to the curb and will not impede access to mail boxes, fire hydrants or walk ways. Parking in fire lanes or on lawn areas is strictly forbidden. Improperly parked vehicles will be towed at the owner expense. Resident Unit Owner may also be fine for the violation. (Exhibit “5”)
- Under no circumstances is a motor vehicle of any type is to be driven or parked on sidewalks or lawn areas. Improperly parked vehicles will be towed at the owner expense.
- No vehicles shall be stored on the streets for more than ten days. Owners and visitors who’s vehicles are parked in the same place over 20 days will be considered abandoned and will have their vehicles towed at the owners’ expense.
- Motorcycles must be parked on an impervious surface. Improperly parked vehicles will be towed at the owner expense.
- All vehicles in possession of an Owner must be properly registered with a State Agency, must display current license plates and resident permits. Owners who violate this rule will have their vehicles towed at the owners’ expense.
- All vehicles must be in good repair.
- Commercial vehicles may park in permitted areas when used for their normal commercial purposes, so long as such parking is only for the period of time necessary to provide the commercial services requested by an Owner or the Association. Owners and visitors who violate this rule may have theirvehicles towed at the owners’ expense.
- Owners shall ensure that their visitors do not interfere with the rights of other owners. A visitor vehicle must display a pass while parked on Association property. Visitor parking is not allowed without a temporary window parking pass. Visitors who are illegally parked will have their vehicles towed at theowners’ expense.
- During winter months, all owners and their visitors must move their vehicles so that thorough snow removal is possible. Owners who are leaving the area during these months must make arrangements with others to move their vehicles for them. Extra snow removal charges for failure of owners and their visitors to move vehicles will be the responsibility of the owner.
- The speed limit is 15 miles per hour within the Association’s ground. Failure to comply with the association’s speed limit will result in a written warning and a fine.
- No repair or maintenance of vehicles (except in the owner’s garage) shall be done on the premises. Vehicle washing is permitted.
- Owners shall be ultimately responsible for expensive repairs made to the asphalt as a result of their vehicles leaking oil or other staining fluids. Leaks must be repaired in a timely manner and spills cleaned up by the responsible resident with the proper solvents.